Here Comes 2013

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here. Our tree is up, and the Nativity is set to remind us of the real reason for the season – Jesus. Even with the festivities and excitement we have had A LOT of work to do. Learning about light and how our eyes work as well as learning about the fierce and terrifying Vikings has been interesting. We can hardly wait for 2013, and all of the new challenges, successes, and friendships it will bring. With God in control, it’s going to be a GREAT year.

Miss DiGiovanni

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Ancient Rome

We traveled back in time to Ancient Rome. We used our history books and Bible to find out about what Roman society was like. This month we are also thinking about how thankful we are for our families, our school, and each other, but most of all we are thankful for Jesus and God’s love that gets us through every day.

Miss DiGiovanni

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Can you feel the energy? We can! We’ve been studying different forms of energy, and how energy changes.

Miss DiGiovanni

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Yummy Experiment

In science we found out what matter is and just why it really matters. We discovered that there are solids, liquids, and gasses all around us. We even made our very own ice cream to show how a liquid can become a solid. It was one delicious experiment.

Miss DiGiovanni

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Oh Canada

October is a busy month here in third grade. We learned about Canada, our Neighbors to the North. Maybe some of us will visit there someday and see Niagra Falls, a Canadian goose, or even a Royal Mountie!

Miss DiGiovanni

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Learning about Earth

We are so excited to start the year together! Some of us are buddies from last year, and there are some new friends that we are enjoying getting to know and love. Our year starts with a look at our Solar System. We even took a Field Trip to the Moon at the Planetarium. For Social Studies we came back down to Earth to learn about how the shape of our world has really shaped our world. It’s amazing to see all of the things God has created for us to learn about, discover, and explore.

Miss DiGiovanni

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Each month elementary students have a “Spirit Day” where we focus on a theme, read books, and dress up for that day’s theme. September was “flash forward” day when students dressed like their grandparents or how they thought they might look in 70 years. October was “friends” day and they dressed up like twins or triplets. November was a fun time for elementary students as we celebrated Thanksgiving our spirit day was combined with the Harvest Fair and they dressed up like Cowboys, Indians, and Farmers. All of Elementary got together in November to participate in our annual Harvest Fair complete with crafts, games, obstacle course, and face painting! Instead of participating in Operation Christmas Child this year, we focused on collecting donations for Hurricane Sandy victims. We are so proud of our students for stepping up and having a heart of ministry! Each class had their own Thanksgiving meals in their classes and invited their parents to come and enjoy some great food and company.

See Galleries for great pics.


Our student body had the privilege of hearing from a missionary family, the DiSalvo’s, who will be heading to the mission field of India.  They leave in about three weeks to begin their language school.  Our students were very receptive to hear what they had to say and asked many questions of how they would be sharing the gospel.  The students found out that due to the countries rules about missionaries coming in, they are coming their to help students with their education as well as opening a coffee shop to help form relationships with the people of India and through those relationships, tell them about the eternal gift of Jesus Christ.  Our students were so moved by the DiSalvo’s heart and love for Jesus and the people of India that they took up and offering of almost $500.00.  The elementary students had also been taking up school chapel offerings since the beginning of the year and were able to add $200.00 more dollars into the offering so the DiSalvo’s could be blessed with a $700.00 check to help them as they leave to spread the gospel into a country that so desperately needs to hear about the love of Jesus Christ.

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Spiritual Emphasis week was by far the best we have ever seen here at Evangel.  We thank God for the Spiritual guidance of our staff who helped prepare and speak for this chapel but it was the moving of the spirit of God through our kids that made this one so unique.  The students took to heart the things that were spoken of in chapel and ran with it.  They stayed late, past their school day and continued to pray and worship in the altar.  It was an amazing site.  Many times, when a movement takes place like this, students go back to their normal lives but our students have gone the extra mile.  They have begun their own facebook and twitter page called “be the spark.”  On this page, students encourage one another with scripture and more ideas of how to grow in the Lord.  They have also begun morning prayer and lunch time bible study. They recently ordered bracelets with “be the spark” on them and are now selling them to the entire student body.  God is continuing to do great things through our students as the spark was lit during Spiritual Emphasis week.

Elementary Spiritual Emphasis Week was a great time as we learned that with God ANYTHING is possible. Through bible stories of faith and purpose, our students learned:


Why it Matters:

Adults may feel like kids have it easy- and by comparison, maybe they do. But every child has faced, or is facing something that seems impossible. For some, it’s falling asleep in a dark room while they imagine monsters under the bed. Other kids are dealing with intense peer pressure or unstable homes. Some kids might just need the courage to stand up for their faith or to obey God’s word. Those seemingly impossible tasks can seem overwhelming to kids…until they discover that EVERYTHING is possible with God!


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The NED show came to our school with a positive message through the use of yo-yo tricks.  NED stands for Never Give Up, Encourage others, & Do your best.  The students stayed attentive during the show and answered questions as the presentation was given.  They learned yo-yo tricks in the process of the show and were able to purchase their very own yo-yo’s to reemphasize the message the NED brings.  The students have continued to talk about it and there has been a special area in the gym designated in the gym called the “NED” zone where students can practice the tricks they learned.  We hope we can have the show return next year as it has such a positive impact on our school.

Please see Galleries for some wonderful pictures

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