Someone once said, “Pain is weakness leaving the body.” If this quote is correct then the members of my track team were losing pounds of weakness every day. To say that practice were challenging and intense would be an understatement. The phrase that I often heard was, “Coach are you serious?” And the answer that always followed was, “Do I really have to answer that?” Thirteen athletes started off on the track team and thirteen athletes finished. Out of all the teams that I have coached, this season has had the most memories and most laughs. We have become more then just a track team, we have become a family. I have had the opportunity not only to see one child grow up, but thirteen. Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and commitment. And how can I forget about the video you put together for me during the Sports Banquet. It meant so much to me, more then you will know. I love you all. -Coach Wong

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Goooooooo EAGLES! Cheering, Pompoms, Pictures Flashing, Team Members, and Plays were all part of our Pep Rally. this was all part of our Spirit Week Students in 6-12 grades had very special days the week of November 17-21. Each day students represented a different theme: Monday – Favorite Sports Team, Tuesday – Funny Hat and Feet Day, Wednesday – Twin Day, Thursday – School Spirit, Friday – Country Day (dress in the colors of your nationality). Elementary School enjoyed: Wednesday – Favorite Color Day, Thursday– Favorite Stuffed Animal, Friday – Funny Feet And Hat Day.

On Thursday, during the latter half of the c day, Middle School and High ch gathered in the gym for our Pep Rally. All our team members were hailed and there were fun contests and prizes given out. This was a great way to get us ready for the first double-header of the year.

Make sure to check out our “Galleries” to view lots of adorable pictures.

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This track season I had the honor and privilege of working with nineteen gifted athletes. From the first day of tryouts they were told that once on the team they would be pushed far beyond what they believed to be their limits. Tryouts consisted of two solid hours of track drills, which were designed to see what kind of shape the athlete was in. To be a member of the track team one had to be hard working, dedicated, motivated, and have self-confidence. There is no glory in Track and Field, no pep rallies, no home crowd to cheer you on. Track and Field is solely about individual talent and constantly striving to be better than the previous day. Throughout the season these athletes were tested both mentally and physically. They were challenged and asked to perform far beyond what they believed they could handle. But time and time again they rose to the occasion and proved how much they wanted to be a part of the team. For most of the athletes on track, this season was one that established in their mind that they could stick with and preserver through any obstacle and that giving up was not an option. – Mr. Wong

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