For about a week and a half Bible students in 6th grade have been challenged to view themselves how God views them. This is to say, that God has uniquely designed each student in a special way and for a specific purpose. Bible students looked at the story of Gideon to see how God designed Gideon to deliver the nation of Israel from the hand of the Midianites, regardless of how incapable Gideon thought he was.
Mr. Sanchez

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7P Reading Lab Class
We have been reading a novel by Jack London titled Call of the Wild. Jack London is very descriptive in his style of writing. As a class, they have been improving on their dictionary and vocabulary skills. Once the students find the meanings of words it open their eyes to the picture the author is painting in the story. Jack London paints a very vivid picture in his writing.
Mrs. Bienemann

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In Economics class we just finished going over how governments affect their economy through their involvement. The students have been given the opportunity to analyze and discuss the pros and cons of various governments and their policies. The students have also begun their Stock Market game. With the current market, the students seem to be competing on who can lose the least amount of money rather than who can gain the most. However, it has been fun to watch the students research products which interest them and debate with their teammates over which stocks would be best for them to acquire.
Mr. Fowler

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In Global class we just finished discussing the Middle Ages. As a culmination activity, the class will be traveling to the Cloisters in the Bronx. The Cloisters is a museum, which focuses on Medieval Art and history. This will give the students a chance to apply some of the information we went over in class. In addition, the students will be able to get a more in depth view of what life was like for people during this time period and how this was evident in their artwork. After this we will begin our unit on the Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution.
Mr. Fowler

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In Global class we have been going over Ancient India. This has been a great time of discussion as we have gotten the chance to discuss other religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism. The students have been eager to understand and then compare those religions to one another and Christianity. As we finish this topic, we move onto Ancient China, which I am excited to teach since a summer ago I was able to travel to China and visit some of the places we will discuss. I look forward to sharing my experiences with the students and showing them pictures and artifacts from this time period.
Mr. Fowler

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My husband and I, through Word Vision, support a little boy named Jean Claude.
He lives in a poor village in Rawanda. I took his report card to show my 3rd grade class. The report card had all his grades and information. It also included a picture. One part had his prayer request. It said he wanted to continue his studies and do his best. My class was so touched as was I. We decided that each child would write him a letter about themselves. The letters were so moving that when I began to read them, my eyes welled with tears. They shared about families, sports, needs, prayer requests interests and all kinds of things. It was powerful. Such a simple little thing can mean so much. I’m so proud of my class for thinking of this little shoeless boy.
Mrs Guzzardo

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Our favorite class activity seems to be our workplaces math center time. Every child is given a chance to choose a math activity to work along with a partner, in a group or individually.
Ms. Calma

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In science we learned the parts and function of a plant, and also the basic needs a plant needs to survive.

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It is such pleasure to get to know each and every child in 1C!

This week we made new markers for our calendar. Everyone decorated a leaf, an apple or an acorn. In phonics we learned sounds of the letter “S “and how to code suffix-S.
Ms. Calma

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The Seniors began their unit on forces by building a bridge out of paper and seeing which one could hold the most pencils. We reached 173 before the bridge collapsed.
Mrs. Wong

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