economics12th Grade has been discussing the government’s role in the economy. This has been a great time to discuss this as we watch our country go through one of America’s toughest economical times. Many of the students have come in with questions referring to our current state and how Obama and his administration are going to deal with America’s future. We have just began to discuss how free-market economies work and as we discuss this we are about to see all the various parts of the business cycle in our recent history. The students will be researching Obama’s plan for the economy and making posters which either demonstrate a “for” or “against” stance. I believe this is helping the students understand this difficult time in our history.
Mr. Fowler

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kopie_van_ww310th Grade has been discussing World War I; never before in history has an event impacted so many people. We have gone over causes and results; the discussion of war has given us a lot of opportunities to relate it to America’s present situation with Iraq and Afghanistan. The students had to develop their own poster illustrating what propaganda is. Many of the students came up with very interesting illustrations and slogans to illustrate what was occurring at this time in history. The students will be moving into the period between the World Wars, and before we know it the end of the year and the regents will be upon us.
Mr. Fowler

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africa20imperialism19th Grade just began a unit on Imperialism. Everywhere in the world the affects of Imperialism can be seen both in looking at the past and the present. The class has been discussing and reading about Imperialism and how it affected nations like China, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, etc. We have had some great discussions on the positives and negatives of Imperialism and looking at it from both perspectives.
Mr. Fowler

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mister_pc_silly_hg_clrElementary has learned many new things in the computer lab this month. We have been using a new program to increase their skills and reinforce what they are learning in their classrooms. The students are having a blast and the younger students can’t even tell they are learning the alphabet and math at the same time.
Mr. Miller

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2309038634_be56a11cc410th grade has been using their artistic skills in the computer lab this month as they have been designing pictures and drawings. Many students thought they knew everything about Computer Art, but found out you can draw beautiful abstract paintings and unique drawings. 
Mr. Miller

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world_connected_hg_clr7th grade has been busy in computer lab, through the combination of History and Computers. Mr. Miller and Mr. Sanchez put together a project in which the students used their knowledge of computers to help understand their section in History class. The students used Google to research their topic and then designed posters and/or political cartoons to illustrate what they learned. Overall the project was a success in many ways because of the new skills acquired in computer lab, and the historical knowledge gained in History class.
Mr. Miller

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faith_moves_mountains_510Jesus is definitely moving in our classroom, after all He is our healer. 5E has prayed for several petitions for healing that have been answered. We are seeing God hear and answer our prayers. Thank you Jesus for miving and 5E for your awesome faith. We can definitely say faith moves mountains.
Mrs. Emestica

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shuttle_endeavourOur eyes opened in wonder as we watched the space shuttle discovery take off for the space station. This proved our science project about temporarily defeating gravity – “What goes up must come down.”  However, in our science project we proved that gravity could be defeated temporarily when force is added. We also learned that the space shuttle doesn’t need a huge socket in outer space, because gravity works differently outside Earth’s Atmosphere.
Mrs. Emestica

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inertia1We are learning about Isaac Newton and the theory of inertia. We used  a hard-boiled and a raw egg to prove this theory. We proved that an object that is standing still needs a force to move it as well as a moving object needs a force to bring it to a stop. The application of the theory is also school rule that I share with 5E, “No running in the school hallways.” :o)
Mrs. Emestica

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woman_paint_sunset_hg_clr1If you had a magic brush what would you draw to help someone in need? 5E’s Reading crew drew everything from money trees that would be planted in everyone’s yard so that no one would be poor to walking couches that can take you or your family anywhere you wanted. 5E used their imagination to help paint like the character in our story The Magic Paint Brush.
Mrs. Emestica

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