Fun In Gym Class

Kindergarten through second grade did scooter races. We used the scooter in different ways like lying on your stomach, on your knees, backwards, and forward, making it very challenging but lots of fun!

Ms. Rosario

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Fun In Gym

For the month of September the Prek3 and 4th were taught in gym class to pass the ball and say there name. Also we worked on learning how to tumble and do banana rolls.

Ms. Rosario

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Projectile Motion

Physics students have been studying projectile motion. They have come to appreciate the math behind movie stunts and sports.

Mrs. Wong

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In chemistry the students tried to reconstruct Mendeleev’s original periodic table by matching elements with similar properties. They realized it is not as easy as it looks.

Mrs. Wong

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Math B

The Seniors have completed their study of the quadratic function and imaginary numbers. This year they spent some time learning how to use their calculator to graph quadratic functions and inequalities.

Mrs. Wong

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Algebra II

The Juniors have completed their study of the quadratic function. This was their first experience working with imaginary numbers.

Mrs. Wong

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Currently the Sophomores are designing stained glass windows using lines. They studied Frank Lloyd Wright’s stained glass designs using geometric shapes and are now designing their own. They realize that geometry is not just for the classroom.

Mrs. Wong

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Forensics Class has completed its unit on Fingerprints, and Other Impressions. The students took their actually fingerprints and investigated its characteristics. They use magnifying glasses to search for specifics such as: whorls, loops, and arches. They also investigated two other classmates’ fingerprints and indentified at least 7 categorical items of the fingerprint.

Mrs. Christian

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Consumer Math

Consumer Class had a guest speaker. The guest speaker, (a parent) a bank manager came to share with our class the importance of checking and savings accounts. The students have been working on a unit dealing with personal and small businesses assets, liabilities, profits and deficits. They have been introduced to the business aspect of calculating profits, and gains. The students were given a mock business to calculate its assets, liabilities, profits and deficiencies.

Mrs. Christian

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Geometry Class is entering into a unit on Parallel and Perpendicular Lines. Students will work on activities that will allow them to draw and identify different types of lines. The students will be engaged in word problems that will demonstrate how parallel and perpendicular lines can ne used in driving, maps, and carpentry.

Mrs. Christian

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