Each year our elementary classes are asked to be in charge of one of our chapels.  Our second grade students did a great job as they reenacted the story of Moses and the burning bush.  Each child took part and it helped the other students to better understand the story and how God is always with us even when we feel alone.

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On Monday, January 30, 2012, the popular Christian Attorney Mr. Daniel Buttafuoco came with his mobile museum of Bibles and sacred manuscripts dating back hundreds of years.  It was very interesting how he explained these archaeological items to prove the validity of Scripture. We had all three twelve grade classes present for the exhibit and presentation.  The students had the opportunity to observe to the documents.  He went on to explain the importance of having a good foundational knowledge of the scriptures; therefore,  peers cannot shake or dismantle/question ones faith.  Finally, there was some time given for questions and answers.  We are so thankful to Mr. Buttafuoco and Mr. Mikhail for investing in students and donating their time to come to Evangel Christian School!

See Galleries for some great pics.


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New Holidays

Amidst the rigors of learning how to use past perfect or simple past tense; changing gerund phrases to infinitives; learning challenging vocabulary and creating sensory word banks the international students have had an enriching time. Many experienced Thanksgiving and Christmas for the first time. Middle School listened to the radio drama about the life of Tisquantum and through his life they learned what Satan meant for evil God worked out for good. It led to good discussions about what happens when misunderstandings arise between people from different cultures. The Christmas season was especially blessed with an invitation to a Christmas Tea hosted by the Hephzibah House Ministry in their authentic Victorian brownstone. They served a variety of festive refreshments and a special tea poured from a camel shaped teapot. Best of all, students were touched by the testimonies of international college students and the thoughtfulness of all who ministered there. We are all looking forward to what the New Year will bring.

Mrs. Kemp

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