
For our graduation trip we went to Chuck E Cheese. Playing tag in the jungle gym at Chuck E Cheese – who was it but Mrs. Emestica! What a great job Pre K-4 class of 2014 has done in learning, playing , growing best of all Congratulations on your graduation you did it I am so proud of you!

Mrs. Emestica


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Let Them Go

It hard to believe that another year has gone by so quickly. This year has been a great year with all our endeavors. The last few months were a blast. We got to grow plants and see lady bugs and caterpillars grow and change then see them fly away into their habitat.

Mrs. Emestica


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In Science we have been studying extreme natural events, the Earth layers and weathering and erosion. We have done numerous hands-on labs to explore such things as why a volcano explodes, how sedimentary rocks are formed, and how erosion affects soil and sand.

Miss Laforest


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Class Elections

In Social studies we have been studying the formation of the Government of the United States from the Declaration of Independence to the formation of our State and National Constitutions. We have also been taking part in the branches of government. For the executive branch we had a class Presidential and Vice Presidential election (Congratulations Josh and RJ!). For the legislative branch we passed bills through “Congress” to make into classroom laws. And finally for the Judicial branch we had a mock trial.

Miss Laforest


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