We have spent this month doing Regents review. The students have been busy
taking sample tests and learning to write Spanish essays to prepare for the Regents exam.
Mrs. Pascualini

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This month we have explored vocabulary that has to do with hotel stays and air travel. The students have learned the correct way of making a room reservation and how to check in and out of a hotel.
Mrs. Pascualini

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This month we learned about the family unit in Spanish class. The students learned the titles of every member. We made a family tree and labeled each person and also learned how to say I have (yo tengo) and you have (Tu tienes), to help in our conversational Spanish.
Mrs. Pascualini

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Every year our students anxiously await the arrival of Elementary School Field Day. This is a day where local private schools get together and compete in track and field events. Not only do our students get to show off their speed and strength, but they unite together as one body to support and encourage one another. Our middle school did amazing this year with the 7th grade boys, 7th grade girls and 8th grade boys all taking 1st place. I was very impressed not only with how well they preformed, but with the amount of maturity that they exemplified. – Mr. Wong

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Someone once said, “Pain is weakness leaving the body.” If this quote is correct then the members of my track team were losing pounds of weakness every day. To say that practice were challenging and intense would be an understatement. The phrase that I often heard was, “Coach are you serious?” And the answer that always followed was, “Do I really have to answer that?” Thirteen athletes started off on the track team and thirteen athletes finished. Out of all the teams that I have coached, this season has had the most memories and most laughs. We have become more then just a track team, we have become a family. I have had the opportunity not only to see one child grow up, but thirteen. Thank you for your hard work, dedication, and commitment. And how can I forget about the video you put together for me during the Sports Banquet. It meant so much to me, more then you will know. I love you all. -Coach Wong

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We have looked at Paul’s letters to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. We have seen more of how we are to love and obey God while maintaining healthy relationships with our fellow man. The task is difficult, but the reward is well worth it.
Mr. Prawel

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We have determined that there are some very appealing parts of privatizing Social Security and healthcare, while there are also some very unpredictable and scary parts to being responsible for our future. We have discussed the massive budget that our government spends, and how we help feed into it as well as draw out from it. I think most of us realized that we are far more involved in government that we knew, and that most of us are content not to be any more involved.
Mr. Prawel

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We have spent four solid weeks reviewing for the Regents exam in June. We are tired and ready to be done! It’s been a tough job going over material from September, but somebody’s gotta do it. We have outlined essays and looked at hundreds of multiple choice questions – ready or not, here we come!!
Mr. Prawel

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We discussed radicals [mathematical, not political], midpoint and distance [how to meet half way in Manhattan]. We are finishing our probability unit – we are looking at the likelihood of the Magic beating the Lakers, and the Penguins beating the Red Wings. We can tell you your odds of drawing a face card, or rolling doubles to get out of jail; and we finally figured out how many different outfit combinations we really have in our closets!
Mr. Prawel

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The seniors finished the hardest but most likely vital section of Economics, Supply and Demand. When the students go off to college they will probably have to discuss and understand the concepts again. The last section we have been discussing has been budgeting and saving. I feel as though this is the most important section because this has the most application to their own lives and they will have to learn how to budget and save at some point in their lives if they haven’t already. A fun activity the students did to illustrate how to budget was that they were given $500 dollars to use for a date. They had to have at least these three criteria, transportation, food, and entertainment. Next week we vote as a class to see who came up with the “perfect date”.
Mr. Fowler

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