We continued and finished our study of the book of Acts. We also read the last of Paul’s letters and considered some of the promises God has given us. Here is what some students had to say:

§ Q: Peter and Paul were great influences to the world. Where is your Jerusalem, your area of influence?

§ A: “To be honest, I’m most active at home and at school than outside. I should be more active outside where I can influence the world. I used to be so involved in my old church and as I got older I became part of another church and instead of influencing many, I influenced none. It’s embarrassing to admit I’ve not been much of an influential person in my church or community.”

§ A: “The efforts I have made to share the message of Jesus to the people are efforts usually rooted in many community activities like running a community basketball team for boys, or a community reading program for children.”

§ A: “My place of influence is my home. My mother never took much interest in the things of the Lord until recently. I explain to her what the Bible says and the stories of the Bible to her. I am also one of the elders of the children of the family so I set an example that they can follow and those who are my age or older respect me because I do not mix with anything like drinking or drugs or anything like that.”

Miss Rivera

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