What has kept me working at Evangel for the last 26 years……. is that I know that God has a calling upon my life to minister at this school.  This is where I have also grown not only in my profession but also spiritually as well as emotionally.  God has proven his faithfulness over and over again through out these past 24 years. Both of my children attended Evangel and also attended private high school.   They both graduated from college without having to take out a single loan.  My son, completed his BA in 2001 and my daughter completed her Associates degree from a local Junior college in 2003. Another aspect that I appreciate about working at Evangel is that not only has Evangel been a safe haven for our children, but it’s also a safe place for the staff as well. It’s wonderful working in a place where everyone cares for one another. Especially the administrators who are also sensitive to your personal needs.   Our last staff development work day 4/20, exhibit this.  We were partnered to assist each other to retouch the bulletin boards and classrooms. Even though it was a long day,(8-5 PM), we all worked tirelessly to get the task done without complaining. I’m unsure if this is possible elsewhere.”

Mrs. Jimenez

I have been a teacher at Evangel Christian School since 1995. The reason I first interviewed at Evangel is still the reason I continue to work here today. When I first came to interview here I discovered a school very much like the Christian HS I grew up in. At Evangel I have experienced a family environment where experienced staff help new teachers learn to teach, and where parents and teachers can meet together to work out a learning plan for their child/student. Evangel helped me to fulfill my dream of becoming just like my favorite HS teacher. I, too, was a basketball coach and math/science teacher. My fellow teachers & the administration have helped me to grow in my profession as well as my walk with God. It has truly been a blessing to watch students who I taught in 4th grade, grow up and mature and go on to college.

How Evangel Christian School Has  Impacted by Daughter’s Life

My daughter, Rasheedah Broomfield, has struggled so much during her time from Kindergarten to Fifth Grade in Elementary School.  As a parent and partner with God, many prayers have been lifted up for my daughter’s academic studies.
Many teachers have told me that she couldn’t do the work and she would have a hard time focusing in life and in church.  But to God be the glory, Rasheedah has passed all of her E.L.A exams and  moved up to the next grade.
This year she was accepted in the Middle School at Evangel.   We wept with so much joy and peace knowing that she will be in the good hands of excellent God-fearing teachers.
The impact that Evangel Christian School has in my daughter’s life is that she is more sociable.  She studies hard, and remembers more Bible verses that I do.  Evangel Christian School makes my daughter feel good everyday.  When I pick her up, she comes running to me with a big smile on her face and tells me that she had a good day at school
Rasheedah’s relationship with her teachers and peers makes me feel good and helps me understand God’s love more clearly.


Yvette Broomfield.

As a parent of Evangel Christian School students I want to say that ECS has been a blessing for our family. Our children range from elementary, middle to high school. Evangel has given a great amount of support to our children both academically and spiritually. The staff has lived out the biblical principles of loving your neighbor as yourself. They genuinely care about the students and their progress. As parents, it was important for our children not only to attend a school that believes in Christian values but upholds them. Thank you Evangel!!!

I cannot express how much of a blessing that this school has been to my children. The teachers are caring and are always willing to spend the time to help the children. Where do you see teachers taking no lunch or even staying after school to take the time to make sure that the student understands and is able to continue in their subject? When you arrive to evangel Christian school you are greeted with such love. The office staff is there and willing to help you in any area possible. My children are in Middle School and High School and cannot see themselves at any other school but Evangel.. The Forensics class has been a blessing where they have been able to attend different classes at John Jay College. I believe Evangel is a blessing to so many and continues to bless our children.

As a parent of a student at Evangel Christian School I want to say that I could not have chosen a better school for my children the curriculum is meeting their academic needs, they are also able to participate in sports where they are playing against other private schools. The administration is so involved with parents and is always willing to help you. You see that they care. My children have made great friends throughout the years here. It’s even hard for me to get them home early. They have afterschool H.W. Club where they are able to stay and work and also get the help needed from teachers. If you are in need of a good school Evangel Christian School is the school…Visit the school for yourself and you will see that this school has a lot to offer. Let’s pray that God will continue to bless Evangel and their staff.

I can’t say thank you enough for helping to build the foundation on which my life is built upon.  I credit ECS and Evangel Church for developing my knowledge, morals and character and am so grateful for being who I am today.  My current profession allows me to examine the lives of other combat veterans and help them to move past their wartime experiences.  It is only now I can realize how protected we, as students of ECS, were from the horrors of what other children may have been exposed to.  It is truly a blessing to be a student at ECS and I would like to thank you for all of your sacrifices and dedication to insure we (the students) were/are given very opportunity to succeed.

An Alumnus

Evangel Christian School has been great for our son. We believe ECS aims for high educational and Christian standards. The teachers and staff genuinely care about the students and their progress.

As parents, it was important for our son to attend a school that believes in Christian values.  We found this in Evangel Christian School. We have seen our son grow in his knowledge and understanding of the bible.

ECS has not only blessed our son, but we have been blessed as well. As a family, we have accepted Christ as our Savior and currently attend Evangel Church.

Esmeraldo and Jeanette Gonzalez

We are blessed to have been able to place our daughter at ECS. I recommend it. It’s a great investment in our daughter’s life.

As a former teacher at ECS, I can attest to the high quality of Evangel. The administration demands excellence and breeds it in their faculty who then expect it from the students. The family feeling comes from the Spirit of God reigning in the halls of Evangel Christian School. ECS will always be my home and I will always remember the training and support I got there. Now my nephews attend the High School and I am confident in knowing that they are getting the best education money can buy in NYC.

Evangel is a great learning environment. safety and discipline are highly regarded and children are held to a high standard. The curriculum is rigorous and students are challenged. My son has been there three years now and he loves is. His varsity basketball team involvement has helped him excel academically as well as motivate him. The school fair – done once yearly is superb. All students take their skills, knowledge, creativity, and enthusiasm to put on a school-wide fair that will blow your mind. The Christmas specials are awesome and also exhibit the students’ gifts and talents. I love the school!

This school is a great school! My grandson comes here and the prices are wonderful. Also you don’t find too many christian schools around the area. Evangel Christian School is the best! ~so are the Evangel Eagles~

Amazing People! Great Energy and Overall good Academics!

I attended Evangel Christian High School, I thought it was a great experience. It taught me many things, and the teachers never gave up on me, they would stay late to teach who ever needed the help. The Principal was always there for the students and she knew you by name not by number. Not only is your child learning things that he/she will then use in his adulthood, but they will learn Christian values. I would recommend it 100%.

Evangel Christian School has been a blessing to my family. My daughter has been attending Evangel since PreK3 and this year she will graduate from high school she has learned so much academically as well as spiritually. My son has been attending Evangel since PreK3 and is now in middle school. If you’re looking for an affordable school with a loving staff and qualified teachers this is the school for you.

My son attended ECS from Kindergarten until the sixth grade. Our experience at Evangel was wonderful. The school helped to build a strong academic foundation for my son. I always felt that the teachers and staff cared for the students overall well being. It was due to us moving to another state that took us away from Evangel. I would recommend Evangel to any parent looking for a great school.

I’m a middle school graduate and I loved this school and thank God everyday that I went to such a close home environmental school. I learned so much from this school and so many memories that I can never forget !

I am a graduate of Evangel and I am so happy that God gave me the privilege of being able to attend Evangel. At Evangel I learned to use the gifts and talents that God has given to me for His glory. The teachers at Evangel love the Lord and are highly dedicated to the students. It provided a safe and Godly environment that not only helped me academeically but spritually also. I feel that Evangel helped to prepare me for life. What a blessing you are Evangel. Keep up the great work.

Evangel school has been a blessing for my children they currently attend Evangel and the support that they receive is one you cannot find in the public school systems…..May the Lord continue to bless this school…A parent blessed

Evangel Christian School has been great for our son. We believe ECS aims for high educational and Christian standards. The teachers and staff genuinely care about the students and their progress. As parents, it was important for our son to attend a school that believes in Chrisatian values. We found this in Evangel Christian School. We have seen our son grow in his knowledge and understanding of the Bible. ECS, has not only blessed our son, but we have been blessed as well. As a family, we have accepted Christ as our Savior and currently attend Evangel Church.

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