We finally made it

We’ve reached the end of an unbelievable year! It has been quite the journey to say the least. We have gone through the odyssey of the Civil War, had a new birth in freedom, and experienced the confusion of post-civil war reconstruction. We have been awed by the expansion of American industry in the late 1800s and impressed by the solidarity of the early labor unions. We have seen the rise of American populism in the West and the Tammany Hall style politics in urban centers. We’ve seen the roles of men and women change and how black citizens threw off the chains of Jim Crow. We thrived in the Roaring 20s and survived in the Great Depression. World War I shocked us and World War II appalled us, but it also changed us for the better. Our journey through history had bumps along the road, but through it all, we gained nuggets of knowledge. Now it’s the students turn to forge from knowledge practical wisdom, so they can go out from Evangel Christian High School and witness to the truth.

Mr. Poe

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