We made it!

The seniors are seniors no longer—they are GRADUATES! What a year it has been! We’ve had lively debates (sometimes too lively) and sober minded discussions. Highlights for me include discussions on the changing interpretations of the U.S. Constitution throughout American history, the role of banking in today’s modern economy, China’s economic rise and its impact on us, as well as my (nearly) foolproof plan to earn a million dollars over the course of my lifetime, which I hope my students will shamelessly steal from me (the plan, that is, not my millions). The graduates of ECHS have a big future ahead of them and I have three final bits of wisdom to bequeath to them: 1) Look to the Lord for comfort and support—He will never fail you; 2) Study hard—education is transformative; and 3) Work hard—be diligent and consistent. Follow these rules and you will go far. God bless and Godspeed.

Mr. Poe

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