September- This month 4th grade is studying about plant and animal life. We not only learned how plants grow, we also grew our own bean sprouts and measured which type of bean grows the fastest. FYI: Lima beans won! We also learned about producers (plants), consumers (animals), and decomposers (bacteria and fungi). Working together in groups we created our own elaborate food chain. It is awesome to see how God makes everything work and interact together perfectly; and how even the most insignicant creatures can have an important purpose in His design.


October- This month in Math we are studying about everything using base-four measurement. We are making predictions about our calender markers in Number Corner that regroup by fours from units, to strips, to mats. We are learning about liquid measurement using food coloring and visually seeing how 4 cups make a quart, and 4 quarts make a gallon. Finally, we are using base-four notation the way mathematicians do while we find minimal collections for the hands-on base-four peices we use. It is amazing to see how many times we count by fours in our everyday life without even thinking about it!

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