Happy Valentine Days!

We do not celebrate love as the world celebrates, for we have known true, perfect, and genuine love by God in Christ.

This month, we take advantage of the rise and fall of temperature outside to learn about it’s effect on our health and how we can express ourselves in explaining our health to a medical professional, in order to be treated for the right conditions. For students who strive to become nurses or doctors, it’s beneficial learning all about medical emergencies in Spanish.

We will also be practicing how to perfectly use the Perfect Present tense in Spanish.

As we enjoy our health, may we stop and reflect on all the great and awesome blessings God has given us. He loves us and wants the best for us.  Everything has a time and purpose, am I right?

Journey with us as our Spanish vocabulary increases to greater heights. I encourage you, if possible, to continue speaking Spanish at home, as this will enable learning all throughout.

Mrs. Jean-Pierre

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