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Forensics Classes are studying about the 2nd Amendment: The Right to Bear Arms. The students watched a video on the militia and its history. They wrote their views as Pros and Cons. We had a class discussion on the positive and negative aspects of gun control.
Mrs. Christian

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Our Cocoons have hatched!
1C worked so well together and had fun creating our caterpillars then putting them into their cocoons for safe keeping and unwrapping them to discover our BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLIES!
Mrs. Calma

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The eighth graders are finishing out the second quarter with a study of earthquakes. They have had quite the entertaining stories and questions about this topic to make time fly in the class. However, as much as our class passes us by quickly, the hard-working eighth graders make sure to keep up on their end of completing homework and studying for their quizzes/tests. I am proud of these accomplished students and look forward to the rest of the school year with them!
Miss Lawrence

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As January is wrapping up the second quarter the seventh grade scientists are ready to be finished with DNA! They have studied the basics, picked apart the fine detail and even modeled their own person after creating a profile of genes and traits for their made-up character. Yes, these seventh graders are quite the experts on DNA! Coming up is classification, a great hands-on topic to change the atmosphere in room 303.
Miss Lawrence

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The sixth grade scientists are now finishing their study of earthquakes. They have learned not just what causes earthquakes, and how to read the magnitude of earthquakes, but also how to stay safe in case they are ever in an earthquake. Good information to know, even though we are not quite in threat of an earthquake here in NYC!
Miss Lawrence

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Happy New Year!
We look forward to a new year of hope – hope in the Lord and assurance that God has a perfect plan for each student.
January is an exciting time with new goals set for a new year and yet a difficult month with mid terms on the way, homework to stay on top of and the Academic Fair coming. In Resource Room we will be checking our goals and finding strategies with which we can realistically meet those goals. Now is the time for students, parents and teachers to truly work together as a team to help students set good goals and begin to achieve them. In I Corinthians 12: 24-27 the Bible says, “But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”
Mrs. Kemp

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Students have been studying immigration of the late 19th century and early 20th century in America. Students learned how an immigrant’s life was no different from the lives of people now a-days. The struggle to find work and assimilate into the American culture is still a struggle faced by minorities and immigrants today.
Mr. Sanchez

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Students in 7th grade have been learning about the road to America’s independence. Students spent time learning about important legislation, such as the Stamp, Sugar, and Townshend Acts, that further caused division between the colonist and Britain. Further, students performed skits to reenact the Boston Massacre.
Mr. Sanchez

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Six graders students spent the last two weeks learning about the Far East. Topics discussed included a video on the Great Wall of China and Communism.
Mr. Sanchez

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