We want to thank everyone for your support of Evangel’s  ANNUAL ART SHOW on TUESDAY APRIL 3RD.

It was a very special afternoon as we celebrated all our young artists at Evangel. We believe it is critical to keep the arts in the schools! We are in a time when art programming is being cut from many public schools due to budget cuts, etc… at Evangel we are committed to continue with the arts programming even with our tight budgets(we operate on ½ the budget of the public school system)

Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the event… through touring and viewing the Art, or  making an anonymous donation to our collection box, participating in the silent auction of a few pieces of student artwork or just buying a cupcake in support of the art program! We appreciate you! A special thank you to our volunteer judges, some were our teachers and to keep it really interesting we brought in three special friends from the community who donated their time to be judges…. Janet Banks of our Foundation For ECS Scholarship, Inc. Board, Ms. Erika White a supporter and friend from Evangel Church, and Albert Popa a famous Christian Painter. Of the hundreds of students that participated in the our Art Show, 28 students artwork was voted best and went on to the ACSI Regional Art Show . At that Art show many of our students received ribbons and two of our students were named BEST IN SHOW , 2nd grade John Costa and 8th grade Christine DeArruda. We are so proud of all of our artists!!!!

In addition to enriching the students love for Art Appreciation and extending goodwill throughout the school the afternoon raised $400 for the Art Department and $40 for our Middle School Magazine production!  Special  thanks  to our PTF- Parent Teacher Fellowship they made a generous $100 donation, they told us they were so thrilled to see another outlet supporting Art appreciation at Evangel School. Of course the biggest thank you goes to Mrs. Bueno for coordinating this very special event. We love you Mrs. Bueno!

Please “Galleries” for some incredible pictures!

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