How Shopping Involves Math

The seventh graders have enjoyed learning how the math concepts that they learned in 6th grade have real-world applications. At the beginning of the year, the students all chose one occupation that uses math and conducted research about that job that they shared with the class. Throughout the year, they have enjoyed learning how astronomers use scientific notation to simplify their work, how architects use precise measurements to design buildings, and how chefs use fractions and proportions to create delicious recipes. While learning about the uses of percentages last month, the class particularly enjoyed a Christmas shopping activity. Various items were set up around the room in different states. Each item had a different price. Some items were discounted, some had a sales tax percentage, and some had both a city and sales tax. The students had to calculate the final price of all the items after the discounts were subtracted and taxes were added. Most students chose to shop in Delaware, where there is no sales tax!

Mrs. Roh

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